Our wool filled dog beds are made in 2 forms to give comfort & therapeutic benefit to every breed of dog:
A unique knopping process is used to partially form tiny wool balls - which move slightly to massage inside the covers and do not 'felt down'
All natural fibres make for healthy breathable bedding and very happy dogs
All our dog beds are lovingly made in New Zealand by hand with your dog in mind
Improve your dog's health, happiness, quality and quantity of life
They will massage your dogs joints and help relieve and combat arthritis
Pets sleep better on these beds, giving their owners a good nights sleep as well!
We also make the popular V.I.P. Pillows for travellers (Very Important Passengers) and children (Very Important little People).
We are over 30 years in business: this wool bedding has been sent country wide since 1991; with very few days without orders. The bedding was designed by Barbie Cassidy, ex-veterinary nurse, and is well received and recommended by numerous vets.
For more information please call Barbie on 06 858 9766, or email your telephone number to vipbeds@xtra.co.nz so she can call you